Sully's & WFNX, Raising $$$ For The Gabe Kapler Foundation

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Last night was an exciting one - Chris from Sully's (far left) got to join Gabe Kapler with representatives from WFNX (what's up Rucker!) to present Gabe Kapler with a check for $2,204, to benefit The Gabe Kapler Foundation, which is dedicated to educating the public about domestic violence and helping women escape abusive relationships. Sully's created and fulfilled orders for a limited edition Kapler t-shirt, which was sold to help raise the $1,000 that Gabe was fined by the MLB over his involvement with the A-Rod / V-Tek fight earlier this week. The shirts were such a success, that we raised TWICE as much, all of it to benefit his foundation!

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